How shall one find God being that the hidden God is exposed to the hidden hidden in Him who hides? Comprehend that the joiner approaches the lost seeking to be found. The lost who know of their status and so seek Him. He who seeks escape from the bludgeoner. The unsettled the dissatisfied the tormented by the defiled.
[Psalm 147:11 | John 9:31 | John 6:40 | Romans 10:11-13]
How shall one find God being that the hidden God is exposed to the hidden hidden in Him who hides?
Comprehend that the joiner approaches the lost seeking to be found.
The lost who know of their status and so seek Him.
He who seeks escape from the bludgeoner.
The unsettled the dissatisfied.
The tormented by the defiled.
[Psalm 147:11 | John 9:31 | John 6:40 | Romans 10:11-13]
Godless and again moralless find God that you might not be found wanting in the day of division the day of dividing. Be found blameless blemishless unappearing in the apparage of wantonness wasteness unwashedness. [Proverbs 19:6 | Psalm 146:3 | Proverbs 29:26 | 1 Corinthians 6:9-11] Stenchedness of wretchedness bloodlessness before God. [2 Peter 3:9-10] Conclude conclusiveness of the end that feet might carriage towards the Beginning who shall stand at the end to judge the unarrayed the ungarmented that forsook approach. [Matthew 25:31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 46 | 2 Thessalonians 2:12 | John 3:16-18 | Matthew 22:1-13 | Revelation 3:18]
Say not to yourselves you remaining as remains unremaining. Why do You say to me seek Me and live – am I not alive? Because you know not that you are dead leading to death – I say to you seek Me and live. [Amos 5:4] Draw near to the opening prior to close. For once closed who shall open? [Matthew 25:10, 13]
Unassociated seeking association and interassociated rise find all that you seek in Him who seeks to be found fixing fixation on the fixedness of the fine print fixed. [Matthew 10:39] Weighing desirousness with duty boundness and enduringness of heart. Know that only the held can hold the enclosed enclosed. The outsider viewing from outer perimeter can but behold the possessions of deity offspring of the Almighty. Trusted stems approved by the trusted to carry. [1 Thessalonians 2:4] Be then drawn towards listing. Find and so find your place in God.
To find is to acquire that definite article which you have sought. And to acquire is to receive that relevant article sought which brings longing to naught.
Who shall continue to long for that which satisfies gratifies unto fullness? [Psalm 36:8] In fullness is there any space left empty?
Prudent partial filling cannot be called full. The inadequate accepted as adequate leaves longing pining hunger still. Full is deemed full because it has reached the point level called full. How shall one surpass this measurement? How shall one acquire more? Wherein shall there be left space to pour? [Ephesians 3:14-19]
Settling then for least increase aspiration destroy vacant voidness relinquish withdrawal from cesspit of the empty. Think to catch! Empty in seeking the empty you shall never be made full for how shall the empty deprivated of content and contentment fill the void in you? Shall an empty jar provide sap? Seek out then He who fills to fullness that your satisfaction might be complete. Acquire measure immeasurable and so live fruitfully in Me.
To find God one must first know the god they seek to find. For assuredly, if you do not know whom you seek to find one cunning will mislead you. [Acts 17:22-25]
Theorists there are many claimants who claim to be God. Hence know whom you seek that you might go in search to find the found true: The living God alive before you. The dead who claim have but a name without power. [Jeremiah 10:10] Having not power enough to lift themselves from the grave. [John 10:17, 18, 11 | Acts 2:22-24]
Which god then do you seek? For He who is God grants audience only to the diligent who seek Him. [Psalm 95:3 | Psalm 96:4 | Psalm 97:9]
Find Me you shall when you seek Me with the whole heart. [Jeremiah 29:13] When double vision departs from you. [Isaiah 45:18 | Isaiah 46:5-7 | Isaiah 45:22] And God unrivallable stands unrivalled before you. Affirmed as the accepted living God alone true. [1Corinthians 8:5-6]
There is joy in finding that which you have sought. Such joyousness is indicative that you have indeed found the item of your search. The encouragements of joy the stillings of peace the tranquil trait of quieting spirits; these whispering whisps are first to greet you. The lightness that stems from burdens lifted. The soothing stroke of grace and refreshing that releases ailed heart entrapped in entrapper’s chamber shall detail that you have neared Him. [Psalm 142:7]
Yet though serenity is outpoured only the out-lifted outpourer outpouring praise is capacitated to receive it. For as clenched hand cannot grasp neither shall clenched fist of the twisted. He who insists there is no God. [Psalm 14:1] The winded who snort I will seek the way from another. [John 10:1] Skewed if you knew of that ahead of you ahead of your jeers would you seek Him. [Isaiah 44:6 | Isaiah 43:11 | Psalm 9:17]
How do you find out information? Do you not seek a source holding information on that which you seek? Then in like manner attain Me. Seek the informative informant. The staple. The presented presentation. [John 1:1, 14 | Colossians 1:15] He shall lead you to Me.
Find Him the lantern. [John 1:6-9] The pure seed of truth. The accepted guide. He being lead shall lead the way. And by no means shall lead astray as the mongrel being the faithful of God. [Revelation 1:4-7]
Set compass towards Him the realised who says: I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. [John 14:6] Herein is the portal opener that shall set you free. [John 10:7-10] Be not as the refused who refuse Him. And having refused stand in refuse of their circumstance alone. [1 John 2:23 | John 5:23 | John 8:24] Shall one who knows not God lead you to God unseen. How so? With clarity of faculty then proceed. [John 3:13 | John 1:18]
Unsealed know that only He the risen can raise the dead. By Him alone can you be saved. [Acts 4:10-12] Find then the named greater than the greatest of those false you seek. [Philippians 2:6-10] The God who speaks and communes with you freely. Find the above all beneath Him that contend with you. The given gift granted that you might live. The blameless who makes blameless those who enter into Him.
Now when setting the hand to find do you not consider what gain is there in finding? Who shall set the hand to find that they might suffer loss? Shall one seek out treasure from dross or trinket from scarcity of the poor? Surely not.
Seek then to find the profitable that you might acquire profitability. For the lacking cannot provide to the lacking what they themselves lack. Every good thing you seek is in Him and of Him. Dissatisfied become then all that you have sought to be without Him and have not yet realised.
He is to that which you seek all. To lack fullness to turmoil peace to weakness strength. And to the lost restoration. He is the missing which completes. The strong that subdues all that has subdued you and averted you from purpose. He is life to the dead vessel more than you could hope to attain. Imagination cannot capture what He alone brings.
If God alone is good what do you have without Him? [Mark 10:18 | James 1:17] The good sought can only be found in Him (the sole advantageous) who is good to all who would seek Him. [Psalm 86:5]
Who shall turn the back on life seeking to live? Turn not then the hind on God who gives life that before Him you might exist. [Genesis 17:18 | Ephesians 2:4-5 | Romans 6:1, 2, 11] Ushered near embrace goodness. Choose to walk amidst pleasant places being joined unto God.
I am the love you seek. Will you then be loved? Will you then be affectionately tended to? Come courted into My courts. I await you. Enter in.
Copyright © 2024 Catherine Lord – Jesus Sheathed – All Rights Reserved.
For who knows the Day, the Hour, the Minute, the Second of His return?
Enter His gates.